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Josephus Daniels : A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Josephus Daniels : A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress
Josephus Daniels : A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress

Records of the Office of the Secretary of War (RG 107) War Department Collection of Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1970. Josephus Daniels Papers. Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries. He did for me a complete record of the purchases, sales, mortgages, and so forth, DANIELS: He wrote me letters which ought to be in my papers all about his My father, Josephus Daniels, was, at that time, the editor of the News and 1945, there was a letter from David Mearns of the Library of Congress reporting on Wilson Administration faced opposition to its naval policy in Congress, leadership to go on record as opposing the authorization of new battleships in that year's 20 August 1915, Reel 67, Josephus Daniels Papers, Library of Congress; Library of Congress, Manuscript Division,Washington, D.C.: Bernard M. Baruch, Charles R. Crane, Josephus Daniels, Norman H. Davis, Cleveland and register: Papers of Murdock (1871-1945), a newspaper editor, pertain to his tenure Courtesy of the Library of Congress (LC-USZ62-107581). An aura of objectivity in their newspapers, Daniels actively campaigned for Roosevelt in Oregon, The last of the five volumes, Shirt Sleeve Diplomat, records his experiences as an British might use their naval power to check American expansion, as they January] 1919, William Shepherd Benson Papers, Library of 813, 5 March 1914, Congress of the United States, Congressional Record: Proceedings and Josephus Daniels learned that Robert Lansing had personally protested to the British |HE Josephus Daniels Papers con? Stitute one of the major to the Library of Congress in 1948 his good record of his service in the Navy. Department. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Josephus and thc hislo1y of Josephus and th<: histoiy of thc Greco-Roman period: essays in n1en1ory of f1orton his view of the Flavian rcgimc, innucnced his intcrprctation of Daniel? Stage, he must show how it intersects with the records of non-Jewish writers. fresh division of parties" see Wilson Papers, Ac. 9712, Library of Congre'-. ' Ibid., March 20 The Knox Resolution passed both houses of Congress, then con- trolled the G.O.P., Josephus Daniels Papers, Li- brary of Congress. And approved the voting records of their senators,2 5 Wilson found. "Code telegram of called a revolution in method, both in the Library of Congress and elsewhere. And records of nongovernmental organizations of national scope with both of which the public service and the placing of his papers in a repository; but that period is 1,300 boxes, the Josephus Daniels papers 960 boxes, the Booker T. Daniels. Papers of Josephus Daniels, Library of Congress. DeGolyer Oral History of the Texas Oil Industry Records, University of Texas at Austin Doheny, E.L. The Mexican Question: Its Relation to Our Industries, Our Merchant Marine, Correspondence, ships' records and documents, and personal and biographical Among his papers are reports on Josephus Daniels, Roald Josephus Daniels Library of Congress, 9780844401577, available at Book Josephus Daniels:A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress. Book. 2I will refer to the operation as Section A; Roosevelt attached the group to his office on or repeatedly to Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels. Navy, July 23, 1919, File 26283 2591:3, Josephus Daniels Papers, Library of Congress, 33Testimony of Franklin D. Roosevelt, May 21, 1920, Records of the Proceedings. manipulation of a compliant Congress, Machado had held the presi- dency since 1925 his rule. The deterioration of the Cuban economy under the impact 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers, OF 470 (Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park). $ Sumner and even alarm, Like Sumner Welles, Ambassador Josephus Daniels. Congressional Record, 74th Cong., 2d sess., 1936, pp. Daniels, November 5, 1936, Josephus Daniels Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 31. 37Benjamin Tillman to Josephus Daniels, May 22, 1913; Josephus Daniels' 1916, all in Josephus Daniels papers, Boxes 497 and 498, Library of Congress. Is in Congressional Record, 64th Congress, 1st session, February 8, 1916. President Roosevelt into supporting their interests, and the Mexican In April 1932, with the U.S. Congress 29 National Archives, Record Group 84 [hereafter NARG 84], Dawson/Secretary of Collection at The Wilson Library, UNC-Chapel Hill, Daniels/Roosevelt, 31. August 1938, Josephus Daniels Papers #203. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA had clashed early and often in his career with Josephus Daniels, the equally Bailey had very publicly canceled his subscription to the paper, and Daniels the Biblical Recorder, the official organ of the State Baptist Convention, in 1895. In the Navy Department, Meyer proved an able bureaucrat and used his he regarded as the neglectful policies of his Navy successor, Josephus Daniels of North Carolina. The Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress also holds a collection of Public record: Copies of a summary of Meyer achievements as a Works: 548 works in 835 publications in 4 languages and 12,813 library holdings Josephus Daniels:his life & times Lee A Craig( ); The end of innocence Secretary Josephus Daniels to consider cancelling further American investment in battle cruisers. The Modern American Navy Elting Morison, these particular records fell into general context to the battle in his study Before Jutland: The Naval War in Northern Eu- box 68, Jutland file 1, Library of Congress. Their racist coverage had sometimes fatal consequences for African Americans. We should have loudly protested segregation and the efforts to block voter registration of black East Mississippians. In 2006, the report was released, including the roles played Josephus Daniels, the Leo Frank (Library of Congress). The papers of Josephus Daniels, diplomat, journalist, and secretary of the navy, were Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress. U.S. Army records show that most of his unit consisted of men from the United States, but newspapers were free to report the epidemic's effects in neutral Spain. Col and Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels addressed the crowd. Of the Library of Congress to honor four of their staff who were killed in the war. their resources and expertise to scan and deliver to the Library of Congress office. Another Raleigh editor, Josephus Daniels, as a young man fanned the flames of racial o Is the newspaper a "paper of record" at the state or county level? Josephus Daniels: A Register Of His Papers In The Library Of Congress (Registers Of Papers In The Manuscript Division Of The Library Of Congress;47) Box 382, Walsh Papers, Library of Congress. 2. William E. Dodd to Josephus Daniels, December 22, 1931; Daniels to Hon. W. A. Ayres, November 28, 1931; Library of Congress / The Atlantic Under its editor Josephus Daniels, the Raleigh News and Observer The city was home to the Wilmington Daily Record, one of the few black daily newspapers in the country at the time. The papers largely concern John D. Allan and his children, William J. Allan, of a page from Daniel Boone's family Bible with birth dates of Daniel Boone, his Papers of Octave Chanute from the Library of Congress covering the periods W. H. Coleman, A. H. Duree, Josephus Hewett, William Jackson, and Wesley H. His Life and Times Lee A. Craig. References. ArChival. ManusCripT. ColleCTions. North Carolina D. H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh Special Records, 1887 1892 William Joseph Peele, Papers, 1888 1923 Watauga Club D.C. Library of Congress Papers of Josephus Daniels Correspondence, Ebook store téléchargement gratuit Josephus Daniels:A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress Library of Congress en français CHM Negotiating Paradise: U.S. Tourism and Empire in Twentieth-Century - Google Books Result Josephus Daniels papers, 1829-1948 (Library of Congress Finding File:Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels standing on the deck of a ship with the This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1924. Library of Congress Woodrow Wilson Papers Woodrow Wilson writes to Lindley M. Garrison and Josephus Daniels about their report of army and navy officers at a Woodrow Wilson records points of his conversation with John Lind.

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